About Ewtor
Ann and David Moss bought their first Cocker Spaniel in 1973. The showing bug bit very quickly and a second Cocker soon followed, this time a bitch. She was mated and the Ewtor Kennel was born. Ewtor standing for “Everything Will Turn Out Right”. Since then other breeds have followed, first Field Spaniels, then Pointers and most recently Hungarian Wirehaired Vizslas.
David was a retired Police Officer with 30 years service. Ann had a background of secretarial work until the birth of their son Alastair, after which time she started up a pet foods and accessories business. Their son, Alastair, now works in that business as well as running their Canine Hydrotherapy Centre which is located in the same premises.
In 2018 Alastair became engaged to Leanne Bryant of Nasailleen American Cocker Spaniels & Trikane Toy Poodles. She quickly becoming part of the team with her helping both showing and preparing the Field Spaniels and Hungarian Wirehaired Vizslas for shows. In 2019 Leanne officially became part of the family when Her and Alastair got married. Since then she has also become an owner of several of the team.

Over the years Ann, David and Alastair have been invited to judge various Breeds at both Open and Championship Shows. When he died in 2018 David was approved by the Kennel Club to award Challenge Certificates in 7 Breeds in the Gundog Group. Ann is currently passed to award Challenge Certificates in 20 Gundog Breeds and the Gundog Group itself. Most of the dogs are now in the Alastair’s name, who himself is passed to award Challenge Certificates to Field Spaniels. Cocker Spaniels and Hungarian Wirehaired Vizslas.
All of the family have been involved in the running of all levels of dog shows over the years. Ann has been Secretary of Merseyside Gundog Club for over 30 years and ran the Club’s Championship Shows during the time when it had Championship status. In the past she has also served on the Committees of The Cocker Spaniel Club, North of England Cocker Spaniel Club, The Field Spaniel Society and Maghull & Merseyside Canine Society. David over the years had been President, Vice Chairman and Treasurer of Merseyside Gundog Club, Show Manager of the Dog Section of Royal Cheshire Agricultural Society, Chairman of Maghull & Merseyside Canine Society and served on the Committee of the North of England Cocker Spaniel Club. Alastair is currently the Secretary of the Dog Section of Royal Cheshire Agricultural Society and Maghull & Merseyside Canine Society, the Treasurer of Merseyside Gundog Club and a Committee of Manchester Dog Show Society with him becoming the Breed Educational Coordinator (BEC) for Field Spaniels in 2025. He has previously served on the Committees of the Field Spaniel Society and the Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla Association.